We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Paul had to work Christmas day so we celebrated Christmas Eve with tasty prime rib and all the fixings, loads of treats, and we opted to open our gifts, all but the stockings-which Santa brings Christmas morning. It was a great night. Paul had mentioned a "family gift" he got the family and was debating whether to leave it for the girls Christmas morning or if he should wait until the 26th to give it to them. I didn't care either way so I left it up to him. Christmas morning, Paul got up at 5am and headed off to work. I fell back asleep as usual and waited for the kids to wake up. Around 8am I got a call from Paul which I missed while feeding the babies. I called him back a bit later and he said to gather up the girls and have them go outside to see what he had left them on the front porch. To my total surprise I found myself hearing the voice of my little girls in stereo from outside and from Paul's phone. He was the present!! I was totally shocked and so elated that he had gotten Christmas Day OFF! The little stinker had been planning the surprise for awhile. He said he got his work clothes on, got in the car and drove around the block, then came back through the garage and worked on his car for 3 hours while waiting for us!! I was so happy! It was for sure the best Christmas gift I've ever received.
PS. We made our gingerbread houses Christmas Day. I chose to make them from scratch this year. I felt like such a Betty, but it took FOREVER! It makes me wonder if it's worth it. It's kind of like buying shrimp that you have to devein yourself...yeah it's cheaper, but so not worth the time you put into it.