Heard of
Greyson Chance yet? If not, check him out. He's got a great voice and my girls LOVE him. We went to his first ever concert last night. My girls excitement and delight was well worth the ear shreiking screams that left me deaf in both ears for what seemed like a lifetime.
Just arrived. Making our way to our seats.

My date for the night. My sweet sister Jennifer.

After hearing from a few openers, Camryn and some guy off of Good luck Charlie, came the main event. The first was Greyson, and the crowd went wild. I think my hearing loss came around this time. Cody Simpson was next.

Lainie was so cute.

We just happened to be sitting right next to a few of Anna's pals, so they all screamed and freaked out together.

A couple of my gal pals were there too.