Jamie and her new boyfriend.

The girls saw Pluto right as we entered the park.

4 of the girls with Brandon walking through Disneyland. He was getting some seriously funny looks from other people.

Paul, Brandon and girls riding Big Thunder Mountain.

Beautiful girls with Jasmine.

That's a corndog.

We were so excited getting ready this morning! Who doesn't love taking their kids and sharing in the fun of Disneyland?! We said goodbye to the Hirts and made it to Disneyland around 9:30am. There we met up with our neighbors the
McNary's and the fun began. Near the end of the day we went to downtown disney and ate dinner at Goofy's kitchen. The food was delicious and the kids loved meeting and taking pictures with quite a few disney characters. We left around 10:30 pm, it was definitely a fun filled day.
Steven (John's brother) wants Jasmine's phone number. :) What is Ava eating?
It's a corndog.
It really was fun filled. Love the picture of Brandon with the 5 kids. To bad we didn't get any pictures of the looks he was getting!! Those were the priceless ones. Thanks for the great memories. I too, can't wait to go again with ya!
California Adventure has the best corn dogs I've ever had in my life. Looks like you guys had a blast. I love Disneyland! I'm excited for my kids to get a little older. Your kids are so cute. I loved your Christmas card. You did such a good job.
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