Years and years ago when I was in highschool, my brother and I were coming back home from early morning seminary. It must have been about 7am when we were coming home...it was still pitch black outside. There was a huge moon out that night and it lit up the sky. We both thought it would be fun to drive up the hill to our house without headlights. And it was. All of the sudden we see a shadow of a large creature's silhouette walking across the road in the moonlight. It was big and tall and moved like a man, but you could tell by the jagged edges of it's silhouette that it was extremely hairy. We could not believe our eyes. Marcus immediately turned on the headlights, but it was already gone. Neither of us could believe nor deny what we had seen. We told so many people that story and nobody has ever believed it. It was crazy, but it happened and now there's proof.
Are you serious? I don't remember that story. Scary lookin Big foot.
What I remember most was that it crossed the entire street in like 3 or 4 steps. Whatever it was, that thing like 8 or 9 feet tall and sure moved like a human.
i remember that story!
I'm so frightened by this discovery.
Frightened, Leah? This is AWESOME! love this story. thanks julia - nice discovery.
Riley was telling me about this today....I don't know?!
Hate to burst your BIG bubble.
I still believe.
I believe too, but not so much in a frozen gorilla suit.
I think it was just Marcus's high school girlfriend checking up on him. Olga was hot, but a little hairy.
I believe in Big Foot, too! (btw, this is Sarah(Lasley)Arnold - I found you thru Tera's blog.) I have a similar story. No matter what they say, I believe too!
haha - darek has a big foot sighting story as well. i guess you guys have made me a believer!
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