Once again the freezer was full of bread heels so we ventured out to feed the ducks. They of course were not hungry so we ended up feeding the giant goldfish and turtles that live in the pond. (The cute blond holding the babes is Paul's sister Ashley who is staying with us for a couple of weeks.) Afterward we sought out some cold refreshment and headed over to the library where it was outdoor movie night. The girls played in the splash park for a bit, we ate some pizza, and then enjoyed ourselves a movie in the park. PS. out of the few hundred people there...we were dead last to leave. It takes forever to move 5 sleeping babes to a car.
And someone lost the car keys.... :)
The Utah sun serves you well, Ash. I don't think I've ever seen you so tan. :)
I'm glad you commented becasue sometimes your blog doesnt' show updated on my list, I was a few posts behind. My girls shared a crib as long as they stayed bundled like a burrito. Adalie had to wear a big metal brace on her feet, they could have been deadly. Those shoes injured me a few times. Now they only share when they sneak into each others cribs and fall asleep together, which isn't that often. There is nothing cuter then them snuggling together, I wish they did it more. They will be three in a few weeks, unbelievable. Twins made my life feel as if it went into fast forward. Yours are so cute, I love seeing them get bigger.
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