The babes are 6 months...and I'm still alive! j/k Honestly, it's really not as hard as it may seem. We have days that are difficult, but most of the time we do fine. These babies are so sweet and happy and our whole family feels blessed to have them. They had their 6 month appt. on the 25th and are still so tiny on the growth charts. Owen weighed in at 16.2 and Lily 15.9. They are in the 30th percentile for weight and 57th for height.
I just want to scoop them up and smooch their sweet cheeks!! Can't wait to see them. :)
WOW! I can't believe the babies are 6 months! They are absolutely adorable. And I loved the bus stop picture. I can't believe how grown up all the kids are getting. :)
I am glad things are good! Lily looks just like you!!! They are such sweet babies. Do they interact at all or are they still ablivious of each other? Twins are fun!
Sweet, adorable little punkins, and what a good little mama you are:) Hey..I love the minivan! Drive that thing proud!
They are so darn cute! I a glad that you are doing well.
They are so cute! Owen's little smile and Lily's blue eyes...gorgeous! You are superwoman!
Oh those babies!!! I love that age, lets hope you survive the 2nd year. An accomplishment I am proud of. Too fun.
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