I remember when we were first married-10 years seemed like a lifetime away. But here we are...10 years, 5 kids, 3 moves/cities, 11 vehicles, 8 E.R visits, 6 career changes, and a zillion happy memories later. I love you babe. Thanks for making our first 10 amazing.
Aww congrats! You guys are so stinkin' cute! I really look up to you both! LOVE YOU GUYS!
wow, 10 years, huh? amazing...Congratulations!!!
Congrats! I still remember Portland/Chehalis like it was yesterday. :) To this day your wedding cake it the best cake I have ever tasted!
and it just keeps getting better! i'm glad you are doing so well. hearts!
So proud of you both! Martha is right, it only gets better!! Love you two!!
happy anniversary kids. you look great. can't believe it's been TEN years!! congrats!
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