She had an expander put in her mouth 2 weeks ago that we have been tightening on a nightly basis. We went back to the ortho today and she got this! (She has an underbite and crowding.) She has to wear it for 14 hours a day. I wasn't quite sure if I was putting it on correctly so I called over my gal pal Jamie and her daughter Madee to show us how to do it. Madee wore hers several months ago, but put it back on so that we could snap a shot of BFF's in their head gear. Sweet!
Oooooh poor thing!!! So she has to wear it to school?! Is she ok with it? I still think she looks adorable!!!
She wears it when she gets home from school and while she is sleeping.
She can sleep with that thing on?! I suppose that's the only feasible option to get the hours in.
I must say.....I LOVE IT! it really grew on Madee and i miss that little purple metal monster. funny how fast they aclimate to things huh. i wouldn't want to sleep with that thing on my face either, but they do! can't wait to see the changes!
Definitely not the head gear I remember my friends wearing in the 80's. :) She does look cute. I bet Owen and Lily think it's a cool new toy.
WHAT!!! Remind me to give you my thoughts.
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