I can hardly believe I've had these two for a year now. They are seriously such a delight. I have perma-grin most the day just watching their sweet faces and seeing them grow and interact with each other and their sisters. Their first birthday comes with mixed emotions though; I feel
RELIEF that I DID it!! I survived the first year with twins and did so with surprising ease. I feel
JOY in watching them learn and grow. I feel
DISAPPOINTMENT that at their 1 year appointment they were in the 1st and 2nd percentile for weight. They are the mini-est and I'm wondering how I can fatten them up. I feel
SATISFACTION in their cuteness. I do think Paul and I breed some cute little ones. I feel
SADNESS that they are my last and growing too quickly. I'm holding onto every moment. (And yes, they are my last. Paul's "appointment" is Friday afternoon.) And finally, I feel
BLESSED. I am so incredibly lucky to be the mother of twins. I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for such an amazing gift.
My parents are in town so we spent most of the day hanging out at my sisters.

Then it was time to sing and have some cake!

Owen wasn't too sure about it at first.

Then he really let us know how he felt about it. I had no idea he would detest his hands being dirty so much!

Lily was a different story. She ate...

and ate...

and ate.