I had such a fun time with some college gal pals in vegas this past weekend. And though I do not gamble or party, we still had much to do in sin city. We laughed, shopped, ate some incredible food, laughed some more, went to the pool to sit in the sun for about 5 minutes, went clubbing...if you count the time we were at Tao waiting for our table, shopped some more, reminisced, went to Le Reve, and stayed up way past our bedtime. Thanks ladies, loved hanging out with all of your sweet faces. (Most of these pics, compliments of Leah...the hot blonde.)
looks like you made a few more memories to last until next time! girlfriends are the best!
Had such a great time with you. Can't wait till the next time we get to CARPOOT.
Looks like so much fun, what a fun weekend escape! When are we going to do a raintree weekend?
So happy you got a break Julia! Girlfriends are the best. You need to do something like this every so often, it will make you a better wife and Mommy! Love You!
You look HOT Julia!! What the crap. You sure don't look like you had five kids!! Looks like you had a great trip. Nothing better then a break from the kids and hang out with the girls.
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