These three beauties are my mother, neice, and sister.

These cousins are crazy together. I have yet to catch them in any photo where they aren't making a face.

Next, it was time for some "entertainment." A few of the family getting ready for our show.

And what was the "entertainment" you ask? Paul's homemade potato gun. That thing could LAUNCH!(Yes, I realize it's completely blurry, but I had to show off the size of my man's gun...hee hee.)

And no people, that isn't sawdust on his brows. That's singed hair. What a night!

Jules, your babies are growing up too fast! Your kids are adorable. PS; I think we still need to do our reunion, how about this fall?
How in the world did Paul manage to burn his eyebrows?!!! He's lucky that's all that got burnt, crazy guy. Oh and when did Anna get braces?!! Does she love them? I know I did :)
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