The cutest little dalmation I've ever laid eyes on.

Our lil Fireman.

Another shot of our ladybug Ava.

quite an enchanting mermaid...she decided she was too cold and went back inside to add an undershirt.

scary zombie cheerleader Anna.

Seeing if the fireman boots from Grandma Preslan still luck.

Sweet Lily giving me a roar, apparently she doesn't know that dalmations bark.

The whole crew.

Our first stop, our neighbors the Mandells.

Owen enjoying some of his spoils mid trunk or treat, our second stop.

After the trunk or treat we headed over to Santa Clara where I got to visit with an old roommate Becki while Paul so graciously took the kiddos door to door. On our way home around 9pm we stopped by Del all the craziness we had forgotten to eat dinner. Nice.