The happy couple. (Thanks Gina for watching my kiddos and letting us stay at casa Wright. I owe you BIG.) Later at the reception. Paul had to work the very next morning so one car left at 10 after the reception. I opted to stay another night and drive home the next day. I'm not too pleasant when I miss my sleep.
Can I just say I LOVE ARIZONA. I have nothing but fond memories of this place. Paul and I lived there less than a year, 9 years ago, and everytime we visit, we want to move back.
The weather was beautiful so we headed out to the park where we had lunch and played around. The kids thought sliding down the hill on long boards was the best. The babes liked the playset and swings. This is my pal Summer. We lived in the same apartment complex years ago when we lived here. Paul and I were walking along the street when we saw the Reedy's drive by in their VW-that's when we knew we'd be friends. Little did we know that we would bond on way more than just German Engineering. I have no idea what exactly I'm doing here, but this picture cracks me up. Once the kiddos got tired of skateboarding we headed over to the carnival area. And I must not forget the twin picture. Lainie got dressed in the morning and Summer decided she wanted to be twins with her. Lainie thought it was pretty great. morning. I was so happy to have my parents over for Christmas morning this year. Now that they live here, (so happy) my sister and I decided that we would alternate who gets them every year to eat breakfast and open gifts with. Lucky me, my sister is the nice one and suggested I get them first. We met up at Jen's later in the day to eat dinner together and louge in our jammies all day.
Does anyone else out there find it hard to come up with holiday traditions for their kids to enjoy? I have such fond memories of the holidays when I was a kid and I've been stuggling to come up with a few for my kids to look forward to every year. I think this may be one of them though. My gal pal Jess was in town visiting and it was great seeing her and family.
Paul and Ava are the only 2 in this house of 7 that can fall asleep just about anywhere. The rest of us need, quiet and a dark cozy bed in order to sleep this peacefully.
This girl draws on everything but paper. The girls "accidently" leave crayons/markers/pencils in their room all the time and Lil finds them and has her way with the walls, the beds, the floor, the couch, you name it...she's colored on it.
Got our tree this year at Costco of all places. It was big and beautiful and smelled up the entire house. The babes, getting so big. The kids telling dad how to do it. Owen showing dad how to put it on the tree stand. The finished product.