It was the first day at a brand new school and I must admit I was quite nervous for my girls. Most likely, more than they were.

Anna is in 5th grade and has Mr. Bagley. One of the girls from her soccer team is in her class, so she was happy to know someone before school started.

Lainie is in 3rd. She found out at back to school night that Paul's brother's wife's brother's daughter is in her class. (did you follow that?) Just the week before we had gone to cousin Adyn's 1st birthday party and she was there too. She has Mr. Jones.

Ava is in 1st and totally excited to eat lunch at school, bummed not to get to ride a bus, but excited none the less. She has Mrs. Waldvogel.

Owen is stuck with me and Lils at home.

And Lils wanted no part in our first day of school pictures.

I took my kids to school the first day, of course. I get so nervous for them.