Today is a Utah state holiday called Pioneer Day. It's a day when the Pioneers who crossed the plains to settle Utah are celebrated and honored. I definately have an appreciation for all those who traveled cross country with handcarts through the snow. They went through a lot just to avoid being persecuted by others. Personally though, I have zero pioneer heritage and am not a through and through Utahan, so for me it means I can't mail anything or go to the bank. But, I can certainly have some fun with my girls. This morning we headed up to Enterprise, Utah. A teeny-tiny town of 1500 people about 35 minutes north of St. George. This town is the epitome of small town USA. So many cool old buildings, everyone knows everyone. A very friendly place to live. A friend of mine moved up there awhile ago and we decided to have a go at the Enterprise Pioneer Day Parade and see her and her family while there. Let me just say that I was totally impressed with their parade! It was so fun for all the kids and they collected gobs of candy.
Julia, I found your blog again. Your pics are so cute! My sister in law has helped me set up a blog so now we can keep in touch via blogs.. This new high tech society we live in! Good to see you and your cute girls!!!
Julia, I found your blog again. Your pics are so cute! My sister in law has helped me set up a blog so now we can keep in touch via blogs.. This new high tech society we live in! Good to see you and your cute girls!!!
Ah man, I miss Pioneer Day. We still have to work and the banks are open! Glad you got to enjoy it!
urgh.....I knew I should have gone!
Hooray for finding your blog Julia!!
How are you?
Your photography is beautiful, just like your family! Glad to see you are doing well.
I wish I had another holiday in the middle of July to celebrate. Jealous! NYC doesn't seem to think it is as important as I do.
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