We had ourselves a bit of a scare yesterday. Ava had a slight fever during the day and woke up in the middle of the night so I gave her some motrin. An hour later she woke up again and she still felt hot so I brought her downstairs to take her temp. She wasn't responding to my voice or looking at me and I started to worry. I decided she needed a cool bath and when I put her in the water she didn't react at all. She just stared over to one side, not blinking. I am now really panicking. I get her out of the bath and call Paul. (He was working at Dixie Ambulance at the time.) I can't get a hold of him and I'm freaking out by now. So I dial 911. Then she starts having a seizure. I'm FREAKING out! The poor lady on the 911 call couldn't understand me half the time because I'm crying so hard. Our neighborhood medics responded to the call, my neighbor came over to stay with my other girls, and Paul called me back. He heard his address and 13 month old seizure over the pager at work. He said his heart fell immediately. He called me when he was enroute to our house. The medics loaded her up and I rode in the front seat with Paul in the ambulance to the ER. She seized for 40 minutes. They had to give her medication to stop her. Once in the ER they ran some tests and we waited. She had another seizure while we were there. I can't tell you how horrible it was. My little baby. After her second seizure she got something called Tods paralysis which took away all mobility to her right side. I'm FREAKING out again! After what seemed like hours of tests, tubes, and pokes to her little body, they moved us over to the children's hospital for observation. She regained mobility of her right side and all tests came back negative. We stayed there all day and left with no answer as to why she seized in the first place. We are happy to have her home and feeling a bit better. I slept in her room with her last night and I'm sure I'll be there for the next few weeks. It was just so scary.
Julia, I am so sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine how scary that must have been. I am so glad you are all home safe. Give her a big squish and kiss for me. She is such a doll, I love her face. (and she has one of the best names there is)
Holy Cow Julia! I would have been freaking out! Isn't it soooo frustating to have spent all that time in the hospital and you get no answers? I am so sorry! I know how scary it is when your baby has to be poked and prodded! It is the worst feeling! All you want to do is hold them and love them and give them anything they WANT!!!! My nephew had that same thing happen when he was 2...never knew why...never happened again! Hopefully that will be the same for sweet Ava! Your in my prayers!!!
Julia, how scary!! I am glad she is doing better and is at home. I don't know that I can handle these sad and scary things that happen to our precious little ones!
I am constantly in wonder why bad things happen to such good people. Sweet, innocent Ava, how crazy was that?! I don't know what I would have done. My prayers are with you both.
Oh my gosh! I'm totally in tears right now! I can't believe this happened! So scary! Thank goodness she is OK now, I can't believe that they didn't find anything to explain the seizures! Oh, I am so sorry! We'll pray that things continue to get better!
Revisiting the situation again, I too am in tears.I was so scared for your little Ava and especially YOU!! I know the fear you must have felt was heavy, but with instint prayer on yours and Ava's behalf, you all pulled through. I hope that the up coming test give you better answers. Hoping for the results to say she is perfect and it was just caused from her fever! We love you so much and pray that Ava is 100% VERY SOON! love ya lady!
Julia, I am so sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine how scary that must have been. I am so glad you are all home safe. Give her a big squish and kiss for me. She is such a doll, I love her face. (and she has one of the best names there is)
My sweet, sweet Ava! I can't even imagine how scared you must have been!
Holy Cow Julia! I would have been freaking out! Isn't it soooo frustating to have spent all that time in the hospital and you get no answers? I am so sorry! I know how scary it is when your baby has to be poked and prodded! It is the worst feeling! All you want to do is hold them and love them and give them anything they WANT!!!! My nephew had that same thing happen when he was 2...never knew why...never happened again! Hopefully that will be the same for sweet Ava! Your in my prayers!!!
Julia, how scary!! I am glad she is doing better and is at home. I don't know that I can handle these sad and scary things that happen to our precious little ones!
Oh my gosh Julia! I'm sooo sorry. Sweet Ava, get better!!!
Julia -
Wow! I am so sorry. I hope she continues to get better. I will keep you guys in my prayers.
Oh Julia, I'm so sorry you and Paul had a night like that. I'll be thinking about you.
Oh my word, Julia! We'll be praying for her. Glad she is better though. How scary.
I am constantly in wonder why bad things happen to such good people. Sweet, innocent Ava, how crazy was that?! I don't know what I would have done. My prayers are with you both.
Oh my gosh! I'm totally in tears right now! I can't believe this happened! So scary! Thank goodness she is OK now, I can't believe that they didn't find anything to explain the seizures! Oh, I am so sorry! We'll pray that things continue to get better!
Revisiting the situation again, I too am in tears.I was so scared for your little Ava and especially YOU!! I know the fear you must have felt was heavy, but with instint prayer on yours and Ava's behalf, you all pulled through. I hope that the up coming test give you better answers. Hoping for the results to say she is perfect and it was just caused from her fever! We love you so much and pray that Ava is 100% VERY SOON! love ya lady!
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