Today has just been one of those days so far. Many of you know that I've ventured out and started my own photography company. I still haven't gotten my website up and I don't like posting client pictures to my family site so in the mean time I decided to start a photography blog. ( Don't get too excited...there's not a single post on there yet. I went through a lot of pics from past photo sessions and I just started feeling a bit disappointed. I started to doubt my abilities and began to wonder if I could actually charge people for pictures! I'm frustrated. I have so much to work on. I'm still a novice at photoshop, but learning...thanks to a few books and many mini lessons from Leah. I need to practice more with lighting, and put to use all the great bells and whistles my camera has to offer. I guess it's a never ending process. And, I do enjoy that process...just wish every photo came out perfect the first time.
I realize I haven't posted in quite some time. My computer is once again not working properly, hopefully it'll be fixed and back today.