Almost 2008! Time sure flies. It's time again to resolve to do better in a few aspects of my life. I've been pondering these for a few weeks now trying to come up with some goals I can stick too. There are so many things to improve upon.
1. Make my bed daily. (I am so bad at this, mostly because I HATE my bedding. It's the same old stuff I got when we were first married. Maybe new bedding will be incentive enough.)
2. Conceive and Bare our 4th and FINAL child. (I can't wait to be pregnant again, I totally miss it. I also can't wait to lose all the baby weight one final time and feel like we are done and have a complete family.)
3. Grow Spiritually. (short for many things including prayer, reading scriptures, regular family night, and monthly temple attendance.)
1. Make my bed daily. (I am so bad at this, mostly because I HATE my bedding. It's the same old stuff I got when we were first married. Maybe new bedding will be incentive enough.)
2. Conceive and Bare our 4th and FINAL child. (I can't wait to be pregnant again, I totally miss it. I also can't wait to lose all the baby weight one final time and feel like we are done and have a complete family.)
3. Grow Spiritually. (short for many things including prayer, reading scriptures, regular family night, and monthly temple attendance.)