Somewhat of a minimalist, I have a hard time finding valentine's decorations that I like. I've never once thought to make my own. However, since many of you are so crafty and have shared your talent with me...I decided to venture out....to the fabric store! My intention was to make many small hearts to put in a jar I have, but I had so much fabric leftover that I made this cute little pillow as well. I'm pretty pleased with myself.
That's darling Julia, I mean Martha.
Wow I cna't believe how much snow you guys have down there. I bet your kids are having blast. Mine keep asking me when spring is coming.
Love the pillow, I got a little crafty yesterday also. I have 1 thing for valentines up, its on my front door I bought this metal heart at a boutique and just spiced it up a bit.
I love the pillow. You could totally sell those on ebay, too. :)
love the pillow! Love the comments on my blog even more !
That is such a cute pillow! And, I think you are crafty. I remember CLEARLY when you got your sewing maching and the first thing you ever sewed was a temple dress for yourself, I couldn't believe it. And then you made James a baby car seat cover, WITHOUT A PATTERN!!!! That screams amazing crafty person to me.
And Anna's crib bedding!
Very cute! I love it!
So cute!
Cute...Like you are not crafty or talented in the sewing department!!! I wish I had those skills!
Well, aren't you the crafty one, it's too cute.
Very cute Jules, I don't think I could even attempt to make something so cute!
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