Valentine's Day in our home was filled with lots of love and lots of sugar. The girls woke up this morning with a V-day sack of goodies next to their beds. We were already off to a terrible start with sugar at 7:30am. Around 10 I made them my best attempt at heart shaped pancakes. (I was trying to be like you
Kath.) Around noonish I insisted we all have veggies for lunch because it wasn't going to get better with Anna having a Valentine's party at school full of treats. For dinner I made a copy cat recipe of
Macaroni Grills pasta milano...my favorite! Followed by many more sugary treats including ice cream sundaes. By the end of the day we all had tummy aches...we don't usually eat too much sugar, but it was Valentine's Day and it was fun!
I agree - it was valentines & sugar tummy aches are best enjoyed together! Such fun day!
Beautiful pictures of your girls. Sounds like a lovely Valentines!
You even got the strawberries to look like hearts! IMPRESSIVE! What a good mom you are.
I need the pasta milano recipe, it is my favorite too. Your girls are so cute.
Sounds like you gals had a great day. A day filled with sugar is the best day ever, in my opinion. :) I love Anna's outfit, Ava's messy face....and does Lainie have a french manicure? Too sweet!!
It sounds a little like our day as far as the sugar is concered. I had to hide all of my kids candy becuase every time I turned around they had aother peice of candy in their mouths
ooh, pasta milano. That sounds good. You take the best pictures. Your girls are SO PRETTY.
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