Many of you have had the pleasure of meeting our little sour patch kid. This is her latest antic. Whenever she sees a camera she says "cheese" and gives me this face.

My three little ladies grabbing a treat after we were quickly rushed out of the pool area because some little kid pooped! Yuck! We were done swimming for the day.

I grabbed Paul's little camera for our outing that night. I had forgotten how fun it was! I took many self portraits...this one included. I sure do love that boy.

So I could NOT stop laughing at Ava's picture!! That is a GREAT face!! One day I'm going to invest in a nice camera and learn how to take great pictures. It would totally be worth it to me. I always love looking at your awesome pictures!
YAY! Paul shaved! That is one serious expression on Ava's face. I can't wait to see you guys!!!!
Ava's face is killing me! Don't you just want to eat it? She is such a doll, I LOVE the face she makes for photos, too cute.
Oh these girls are too funny!! Ava's such a nut! I can't wait to see you guys! And it's nice to see my brother without that dang moustache :) Love you guys!
I found your blog thru someone else's! How fun. Your family is adorable! I think the last time time I saw you was at one of Tara's baby's blessings in Vegas.
Cute pics and cute kids!
Yes, we moved to Utah last year. Since you mentioned it, I noticed there aren't very many pictures of Mike. I need to fix that!
By the way, I'm not on the computer all day, I just happened to check back. : )
P.S. I looked at your other blog...Do you do professional photography? Way to go! Tell me all about it.
AND how is your family? Parents still mission pres?
I'm looking for brown floaties in that top shot...but alas, and to our great disappointment, none to be seen!
Your girls are such a crack up - especially that Ava! BTW we need to get together...soon!
Oh my, Ava.
bbq's and pools....if only!
you guys are a ridiculously cute couple!
so cute!
What a cute picture of you and Paul.
Poop in the pool? That's so gross. One of these days, Franny's going to be that kid, though. Something about the cold water reminds her she has to go and sometimes she just doesn't hold it! It's embarrassing!
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