This is my man. A hottie even at 13 years old. I previously posted a license picture of Paul, but got in trouble. So here is the replacement. Apparently my love sported the business on top, party in the back mullet for a number of years. We are in Alaska at the moment and I stole this old picture of Paul from his dad's house. So sweet!
Brett Michaels has nothin' on this dude.
Please email me the license picture. Love the mullet...time to bring it back Paul
Take that back Jon! Mullets should never be brought back. :)
Hey Julia - you should post a picture of yourself at the same age.
Hilarious! Seriously dying right now Paul. Who knew?? hahahah
Oh my gosh. I love it. Of course that was a hot hair style back then. And yea, I know what your hair looked like back then too. Fair is fair, post one of you!
Why were you messing around growing a mustache when you could have been growing this? HOT! Are you flexing in this picture?
Awesome -- love the mullet! I should post of picture of Chad and his mullet, so funny!!
I will post one of myself as soon as my parents get off their mission and I can have access to all their storage. ie...many horrifying photos of myself.
Thats the Wog we know and love!
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