I've put on 26 pounds, gained a million inches, and am feeling quite large these days...and I still have 10 weeks to go. I've been trying to take it easy but it is relatively hard with 3 at home with no husband all week. My sweetest sister ever, Jen, came to my house last Wednesday to clean and will be coming once a week for now on. (I love it, but I hate it.) Appointments are starting to come once a week and soon will be twice a week. Who knew carrying two would be so challenging. The babes are good though. My last ultrasound was at 28 weeks and they looked great, weighing in at about 2 1/2 pounds each. One of the babies gets the hiccups all the time and the other loves to suck it's fingers. And for all of those who keep asking...no, we still are not going to be finding out the sex of the babies.
you look lovely, girl. thinking of you in these final weeks ahead...
love you,
The human body is truly amazing, and so are you! Get some rest.
you are the super-mom. i am so glad that you and the babies are healthy. it is so good of your sister to help. it's all about family.
Hang in there, I hope the next weeks go good. I can't wait to hear of the safe arrival of these babies.
You are so cute! I can't wait to see what they are going to be! Boys? Wouldn't that throw a mix in the loop? Ha...love it. Glad you and the babies are strong and healthy too....keep it up!
Do you want a Blush? They come in quite handy while pregnant..... let me know, I'll send one for free. Just e-mail me your size and address. You can find both e-mail and size chart on my website.
Have a great week!
I'm glad to hear everything is going well. I'm sure it is so hard being all by yourself and going through this. I'm glad you have your sister to help you out. 26 lbs sounds pretty week. I have 5 weeks left and have gained 40 lbs. with only one, oh well.
I meant to spell weak. I can spell ....I think.
You are so darling! I can't imagine how hard it is with no hubby to help! You are in the final count down, though! :) It seems like those last 10 weeks go by quickly.
It seems like I know of so many of my friends who are having or have recently had twins! Must be something in the water. ;)
I can't believe how good you look. Your only belly. I bet from the back side you don't even look prego.
You are a beautiful pregnant woman!! I bet you don't look preg from behind too. Amazing that there are two little ones in there!!
you look great! I gained 26lbs the first 20 weeks with only one baby! Yikes... You get mama of the year.
What I find funny is this simple fact:
Whether you find out the sex now, or in 10 weeks time, it will be exactly the same surprise. Won't it?
I think you look great Julia! Bry just saw the picture and said wow!
26 pounds?! That is so disappointing! My one shot for you to almost match my weight gain since you are having twins and you are not even going to come close. you suck!
You do look great Jules, it is just in your stomach. Wow, I don't know how you do it w/ no hubby at home. I get bugged when Dave is late home from work because I need a break, I can't imagine. You are so close! Can't wait to see what you have!
You look great!! Hope you are feeling good and can't wait to see your cute little babies.:)
I should just say dido to all the comments. You are the prettiest prego woman ever. You have done great with the weight gain. You will be back to your pre weight as soon as you pop those little boys out. Oops did I just let the cat out of the bag? Love ya. And miss you.
i LOVE that belly. you look fantastic! i'm so excited you're having twins and i love that you're not finding out the genders!
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