On Wednesday March 18th I had a regular OB checkup-which put me into labor. I had asked if I could go to Vegas for Paul's graduation, so they checked me and I was 4 cm and 50% effaced. Obviously, the answer was no and I scheduled a c-section for the 25th. (Both stinkers were still breech.) After my appointment we headed home and within a few hours I noticed some contractions. I tried everything I could to stop them-hot shower, lots of fluids, my brother-in-law Terry even came and gave me an IV (per Paul's request) hoping that the fluids would help. 4 hours later I decided to go the the hospital. Meanwhile I'm on and off the phone with Paul who is in Vegas trying to figure out if he should come home or not. At the hospital I get all hooked up and am contracting every 3-15 minutes...very irregular, but I felt a little back labor so I knew it was legit. My doctor thought for sure my uterus was just irritated from my earlier appointment so he wanted me to take a lortab and ambien and then they were going to check me in an hour. Paul wasn't down with waiting an hour so the nurse checked me again and I was 6 cm and 80% effaced. I told Paul to start driving and we scheduled the c-section for 1 1/2 hours later. They prepped me for surgery and Paul arrived 10 minutes before the babes were born. A little side note. I've known since about 20 weeks that we were having a boy and girl. My doctor accidentally spilled the beans at an appointment. I kept it to myself the entire pregnancy and only Paul knew that I knew what we were having. (I apologize profusely, but I didn't want to hear it from anyone.) I will never forget his face when he first laid eyes on Owen and realized we had a boy. The doctor asked Paul to do the announcing...he held up Owen...who was baby B the entire pregnancy until delivery...and asked, "ok dad, what is it?" Paul looked over and with tears in his eyes said,"oh my gosh...it's a boy!" He was completely surprised. He was convinced it was 2 more ladies. Lily was next and he couldn't have been happier to see her either. We feel so lucky to have such perfect babies. The whole c-section thing was easier than I thought. The spinal didn't pinch at all, in fact my IV hurt worse. The sensation of my body numbing so quickly was strange. It started in my toes and I could feel it climb my body until I was completely numb from chest to toes. I could feel tugging, but no pain. They sliced me open and both babies were up high in my belly. They broke Lily's water since she was baby A and then little Owen started backing up his buns and was the first to be born. When he delivered I felt my body deflating like a balloon. It was insane. All of the sudden I could breathe again. The rest of it starts to blur a bit. I was given an antibiotic through my IV that apparently makes you itch, so they gave me a big shot of benadryl as well which totally made me loopy/tired/incapable of any real communication. PS. the benadryl didn't even work, my face was so itchy for hours. Paul and my mom were there with me and the babies. Paul stayed until about 5 am and then had to head back to Vegas. I stayed in the hospital until Friday night and then checked out. All the nurses thought I was crazy for not staying longer, but I just cannot get any rest in the hospital with all the noises. We've now been home for a week and all is well. Owen had a bit of jaundice for awhile but is now fine. My boobs are killing me. They aren't rock hard anymore, but they are seriously raw and I cannot wait until nursing doesn't make me grit my teeth. That is my one complaint. I still can't believe I'm the mother of 5 kiddos.
Oh my goodness they are perfect. Good job you two! I'm so glad Paul got a little boy FINALLY.
Good for you mama!!! That's quite the story. I'm so glad Paul got to be there. And I totally agree with you about the hospital- I'm outa there as soon as possible! I bet Grandma & Grandpa were in heaven. :o) Love it. Thanks for sharing!
Yay! Congrats! They are darling and everything sounds wonderful. I'm so glad it all worked out so well (and that you got a boy!!) When I had my 2nd C-Section they gave me that same itchy pain-relief stuff. (They didn't with my 1st for some reason...different hospital??) Anyway, I was so miserable!!!! With my 3rd I INSISTED that they not give it to me. Oh it was so much better. I could handle the pain a lot more than the itching. So I totally understand! Good luck with everything!!
Love the part about the boobs! Could you be any more honest? And you say I'm an interesting person. Anyway they are adorable and I'm so glad you can breathe again, congratulations!
Jules!! Good job! What beautiful and healthy looking babes. Love ya!
Wow, that is crazy that Paul barely made it, I would have been so nervous. I am so glad everything went well, they are so cute Jules, I am excited to see more pics.
Wow - That is an amazing story! i'm so happy that Paul made it. Seriously, you have 5 kids -- how is that possible!?! I'm so happy for you guys.
They are absolutely perfect!
I can't believe you knew and didn't spill the beans!!! I'm sooo excited for you guys and I can't wait to meet my new neice and nephew! You look great by the way! Love you all!
Okay, the picture in the swing made me cry!!! They are so precious! Congratulations! I am going to come down to Vegas and visit for sure! I can't believe how great you look! I'm super jealous of the newborns. I just had sawyer in January and it already feels like it is time for another one.
I am completely opposite of you. I stayed in the hospital 5 days and considered it my vacation for the year. I started exercising at 4 weeks after my c-section on the elliptical trainer at the gym and I am feeling way better than with my previous c-sections. Take it easy, but make some time for yourself too!
We all love you!
OH MY GOSH! I suck. I've been thinking about you but I haven't been a very good blogger and I can't believe I haven't checked your blog until now. You have five kids! You look amazing. YOu still look the same as when we were running the front desk together in Provo. And you have a boy! I'm so happy for you and Paul. And we all know you two make the most beautiful little girls. Lily. How sweet. Oh, I am so happy for you!!!! The are adorable!
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