Wahoo...we've got some babies! I'm a bit sore and exhausted so it may be a bit before I post some good pics of the babes, but for now here are their stats. Owen Paul born March 19th 1:39 am 5lbs 15oz 19 inches long. Lily Ashley born March 19th 1:41am 5lbs 14oz 18.5 inches long. We got out of the hospital late last night and we are all doing well.
Great job!! Can't wait to see more photos. Glad Paul was able to be there. What a great family.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We're so excited for you guys. Your little girl and BOY look so adorable!!:) Can't wait to see more pictures of them. Hope you are doing well and getting some rest. Call me sometime when you are filling up to it.
I called you tonight to see how you were doing. I was wondering if the babes have come. Congrats!! Love the names and you still look great after giving birth. You have an amazing family. They will be so loved. Oh and good luck with two!!love you Julia :)
Awwww, Julia! Congratulations to you all! They are beautiful (and handsome!!!)! Lots of love to you guys!
You are amazing. I mean truly. Can't wait to see more of them.
Congrats!!! I bet Gramma Barb is eating this up!! :o) Three new grandbabies in two days... super fun for your family! I can't wait to see some photos of them with the other girls. Congrats again!
congratulations, you amazing baby-makers...!! i cannot wait to meet owen and lily...
love you all!
prayers for rest comin' your way...
your headline is now "the aldridge seven" or something like it... ;)
Congatulations!! I am so happy for you! A boy AND a girl, that's great!! I love their names! You look amazing, I hope you are feeling amazing. Can't wait to see more pics!!
Congratulations!!!! We are so excited for you guys!! They couldn't be cuter!
Kelly & Dave
Congrats Julia I a proud of you!! you did so well and have to beautiful healthy happy babies. They are gorgeous. I know you have a ton of family in town with lots of help. But if you need anything let me know please.
YAY, finally a BOY!!! I'm so excited! And thanks for using my name as Lily's middle name :) Owen's gonna have his hands full with 4 older sisters, not to mention georgous sisters!!! Well you look great and I love you all! Can't wait to see you guys.
Congratulations, I can't wait to see more of them. I could have guessed those names from years ago, love them!!
wow! wonderful. i am glad that you are all healthy and doing fine. in the picture, who is who? is paul holding the boy or the girl? and congratulations to paul on his graduation as well-- what a great graduation gift! we hope to see you in april when we come through headed for rosie's graduation. loni and terry, too, i hope.
I am so excited for you!!! I am still in shock that you had twins! They are adorable!!! I hope your recovery goes well and you have fun loving your new babies! It is the best to have two to love and cuddle! Congrats to Paul too! Good timing, huh? I hope I get to see them one of these days.
Congrats you guys. Julia remember I wanted to name one of my boys Owen from that BYU kicker we liked to look at when we went running at the Smith field house track? That is pretty amazinng to have 2 babies. I'm exhausted with one new born, I can't even imagine.
HOORAY!!! SOOO PRECIOUS! So, excited for you guys!
oh congratulations! hooray! they look so perfect. i can't believe they were over 5 lbs! way to go julia - you sure know how to grow your babies. so so fun that you have a boy and a girl. what a lucky little boy to have so many beautiful sisters to love him. i love their names. we thought about owen for atticus' middle name. also, ironically, there is a family in our ward who were told they were having twin boys but when they were born one was a girl and they named her lily too! congratulations! i can't wait to see more pictures. i hope that you are recovering well and that all of you are adjusting well!
Congrats!!!!!! I love your blog its so fun to read.
Congratulations Julia and family! How lucky you are to have a boy and a girl! so sweet! I love their names too!
Congrats you guys!!! They are beautiful and you look great
Oh wow! Congrats guys!!! What a journey!
Saw your dad the morning after they were born, and he shared the news! Good stuff!
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