I can't believe I've been such a slacker when it comes to taking pictures lately. It's been almost a month since I've snapped a few shots of the babies. Life just gets crazy and I can't seem to ever remember to grab the camera. These shots were from 2 days ago. The babes will be 5 months old on the 19th. PS. My hard drive crashed, thus the lack of posts lately.
Owen has Paul's smile like Ava. Lilly is so cute. I wish I could hold them.
They are so cute, I want to kiss their cheeks! They look so different from eachother.
I love the chub! Can't wait to see them!!!
They are so darling!! I can't believe they are already 5 months!
ditto on the cuteness comments. they are getting so big. does it get easier?
They are so sweet! Oh my gosh I want to snuggle them so bad!
Julia- Hey, it's me Erika your old roommate from Rain Tree freshman year. Anyways, I found your blog and your family is beautiful. It's so fun to see how you all are doing and I can't believe you had twins!! Nice work!! anyways, I have a blog also it's private so email me at mschwitzer1@comcast.net and send me you email so I can invite you. I love blogs because it's such an easy way to keep in touch with people. Hope to hear from you soon.
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