So I realize you probably have a little bit of throw up in your mouth about now...sorry about that. I really am just amazed at how much hair I lose after every child. (This particular handful was what had fallen out in one shower and combing. And yes, I lose this much everyday and will continue to do so until the babes are around 6 months old. And yes, I have a receding hair line.) This is one of the reasons I chop my hair....other than the fact that my hair looks relatively the same as it did in high school. I'm in dire need of a change.
OH MY GOSH! Mine just stopped falling out. I had never been through this before. I have THICK hair and even I was getting worried about going bald. Handfuls and handfuls of hair. So GROSS! You should see my hairline now. It is so full of regrowth. Super ugly!!!
Can I tell you how much I love yoru babies. You never complain about being tired, or having a hard day. Isn't it hard with two?
Wow! I knew people lost hair after babies, but I had no idea. I guess I was pretty lucky. Your twins are just the cutest little things, he is perfectly handsome and she is perfectly beautiful. I hope you are doing well, life really is crazy, isn't it?
I am glad to know I am not the only one. I seriously was considering a wig, I lost massive amounts and didn't have a lot to spare in the first place. It is finally growing back.
I lost a lot of hair during my pregnancy (brush and drain cleanings daily) and it stopped until I started packing and preparing for our move..... I was/am so stressed that it is falling out like crazy again. I feel your pain. :)
Don't worry....it will grow back. You are beautiful no matter how much hair you have!
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