My friend Rose asked if I would be willing to sub for her in church in a few weeks. Of course I said yes and was given the topic of Marriage. I read the lesson early and have been doing further research with a few books. This particular book was recommended by my brother, Marcus, who swears that every married woman needs to read it. Coming from a man, that was good enough for me. It basically says that men are simple creatures who just need a few things to be happy. If you treat your man with respect, keep him fed, and give him some lovin, then you can get anything you want and will be treated even more like a queen. It was a great quick read that I recommend to all of you other ladies out there. I'm sure you're husbands will approve.
I'm next, I'm next.....(waving my hand!!)
Love ya Julz~
I've heard of this book saving marriages! I keep forgetting to get it. Thanks for the reminder!
And your flood was so crazy! Really hope it doesn't get into your house if it rains again!
PS - Darek is in AZ this weekend for a job interview on Monday. If all goes well we could be headed there even before the baby comes. I wish you still lived there!
Cliff Notes on this book would be one page with one sentence:
"If your man isn't in the mood for sex, fix him a nice meal."
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